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Preparing for our next 100 years
Dining Hall Replacement Plan 

A Long History of Growth

Camp Founded
Used existing 1880s structure "Red Lodge"

Built first dining hall
Building was also used as the main lodge

Replaced Dining Hall
Served 80 campers in each session

Expanded Seating Area
Served 120 campers each session

New Building Planned
Serve 215+ campers each session with waitlists






“My children have been going to camp since they were old enough to go. This is the week they look forward to most every year. A week away from everything. A week to be a kid. A week to laugh and make endless memories with old friends and new. A week for them to grow as an individual and find their own voice. A week to be silly. A week to be free. A week to discover the beauty of nature, the strength of friendship, and a true sense of self. “

Project Objective​

Camp enrollment has consistently grown over the last decade. Enrollment is up over 80% in the last 10 years and we have waitlists on all our sessions. Demand is strong for a safe place where kids can go to make new friends face-to-face, play outdoors, be away from technology, and make wonderful childhood memories. Our most pressing challenges to accommodate our current numbers and to prepare for future growth are dining hall and kitchen space, bathroom capacity, and an adequate storm shelter. This project will address all three. 


Camp changes kids lives. For many kids, this is the first time they spend a night away from their parents. Many kids make new and lasting friendships. Click the link below to learn about our assitance program and the impact camp has on the lives of thousands of kids each summer. 


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