summer address:
27960 137th St. New Auburn, WI 54757
(e) camp@ymca-cv.org | (p) 715 839 4607
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We look forward to providing campers with a fun-filled and rewarding experience at Camp Manitou. Camp is truly a great place to just be a kid while making new friendships, exploring the outdoors, and trying new things! A day of camp is packed with fun activities, such as swimming, boating, hobby sessions, all-camp games, delicious kid-friendly meals, and various nighttime events. Manitou is a place where campers can learn about themselves, gain self-confidence, and build independence.
In order to provide the best care for your camper, we ask that you read all information regarding Camp Manitou and thoroughly answer all questions in the online registration forms. It is important to make sure information is accurate and up-to-date.
We have designed this booklet to help you prepare campers for their experience and to answer a wide range of frequently asked questions. We encourage you to browse through it and use it as a helpful resource. Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions.
Brian Moore
Camp Director