summer address:
27960 137th St. New Auburn, WI 54757
(e) camp@ymca-cv.org | (p) 715 839 4607
2022 COVID-19 Plans
Last summer was successful and we are looking forward to this summer! Camp Manitou is committed to providing a safe, fun and enriching camp experience for all of our participants and staff. Our policies will be determined by CDC guidelines, American Camping Association, the local Health Department, and our Camp Advising Physician.
Here you will find our current practices and protocols for the upcoming summer. As recommendations and best practices evolve, so will our protocols. We will continue to update our website and provide regular communication prior to your time at Camp to remain transparent about our adaptations in programming for 2022 so that you can make the best decision for your family.
Pre Camp & Testing
Campers and families will be encouraged to follow CDC travel guidelines and to limit their exposure in the 14 days leading up to a session. If a camper tests positive or has been exposed to COVID-19, please contact us, so we can try to reschedule their session for a different week.
As camp staff and campers are in close living quarters, we have decided that it is valuable to have all campers and staff, regardless of vaccination status, have a negative covid test within 3 calendar days of the start of camp. To help make this easier for families, we will accept any covid test, including your own at-home covid test. Should you take an at home test, please take a picture of the negative test for proof. We will also have a supply of at-home style tests that we can use to test your camper at check-in. Camp staff will oversee the administration of the test and report results as required.
Examples of tests include:
PCR - saliva or nasal
Antigen - taken at a clinic or community test site
Antigen - at home test kit (take a photo of the negative result, we know that these are not verified to an individual but we will accept them on the honor system that they were taken by the correct person during the 3 day time frame.)
If your camper had covid within 90 days, and has completed the needed quarantine period, you may provide proof of the of positive result instead of a test.
We will start the summer not requiring masks. However, if we have cases at camp, or community case numbers rise, we may then require mask when indoors with multiple cabin groups. Like last summer, campers would not need to wear masks when in their cabin or outdoors.
Health Care
If anyone is suspected of having COVID-19 or being exposed to COVID-19 they will be tested. Camp Manitou is able to provide rapid antigen tests on-site. Should anyone at camp test positive, all close contacts, including the cabin group will be asked to be picked up. If a camper tests positive after a session, close contacts will be notified.
If you are uncomfortable with our Covid-19 plans for any reason, you can cancel your session for a refund at any time prior to the start of a session, but please inform us as soon as possible so we can open up your spot for another camper to attend.